ELLEPHANT is committed to getting the best contemporary art into people’s daily lives. Temporary or permanent, public or private, ELLEPHANT wants to partner with individuals, corporations, developers, festivals, cities and towns to make the best contemporary art accessible to more people, in more places.
SKAWENNATI, The Celestial Tree. Promenade Fleuve-Montagne.
Avenue des Pins Ouest, angle de la rue McTavish, Montréal, 2017.

ELISABETH PICARD, Centre de formation professionnelle de Lachine, Montréal.
Circulation, 2017.

ELISABETH PICARD, CHSLD d’East Angus. Sous le grand arbre : racine, feuille et fleur, 2016.

ELISABETH PICARD, Centre de Loisirs de Beloeil. Formations, 2016.

SABRINA RATTÉ, Broadway Augmented, Sacramento, California, Façades, 2014.